It is a butyric acid-containing liquid feed premix designed to reducethe development of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive systems ofpoultry and to support the growth of intestinal epithelial cells


It is a butyric acid-containing liquid feed premix designed to reducethe development of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive systems ofpoultry and to support the growth of intestinal epithelial cells.


Poultry are exposed to differentstress factors such as transportation, temperature, vaccination,disease in different periods. Feed consumption is the first variablein this type of finding, which results in intestinal flora, digestivesystem functions, and intestinal integrity. As a result, its affects tothe quality of produced meat and egg so to human health as wellas economic parameters. Apart from these, diseases and diseasesrelated to the digestive system have the same findings and effects.NUTRI BUTYRICID helps to regenerate and regenerate epithelialcells because it is an energy source that can be used directly forintestinal epithelial cells, helping the beneficial bacteria to favorboth damaged flora by showing effects on the digestive system ofanimals with high level of butyric acid. This helps to improve theintegrity of the infested flora and intestines and to keep the animalshealthy in their optimum performance, feed utilization rate andweight gain


1 Lt Plastic Bottle
5 Lt Plastic Drum
20 Lt Plastic Drum


0,5 – 1,0 Lt / MT
Drinking Water