Poultry Feed Additives


Intestinal health is one of the most important elements in maintaining and improving the performance of poultry.

It is a water-soluble powder feed premix containing activeingredients balanced electrolyte formulation designed to supportthe electrolyte needs of poultry and to reduce stress factors.

It is a liquid feed premix designed to support the vitamin and amino acid requirements of poultry.

It is a liquid feed premix containing essential oils at high concentration which facilitates breathing in poultry respiratory system problems.

It is a Liquid feed premix with high level of vitamin D3 designed to support the vitamin D requirements of poultry.

It is a liquid feed premix containing calcium, phosphorus and micro
minerals designed to support macro and micro mineral requirements
of poultry.

It is a high-level vitamin-containing liquid feed premix designed to
support the vitamins requirements of poultry

It is a liquid feed premix containing vitamin E and Selenium designed
to support the Vitamin E and Selenium requirements of poultry.

It is a liquid feed premix containing substances that are effective in energy metabolism designed to support energy and amino acid requirements of poultry and to reduce stress factors

It is a Multivitamin Liquid feed premix designed to support the A,D,E & K vitamins requirements of poultry

It is a liquid feed premix containing organic acid that reduces water PH; designed to acidify poultry water systems and prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria.

It is a butyric acid-containing liquid feed premix designed to reduce the development of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive systems of poultry and to support the growth of intestinal epithelial cells.

It is a comibantion of Vitamin ACK water-soluble powder feed premix designed to support the ACK vitamins requirements of poultry.

It is a comibantion of Vitamin BCK Water-Soluble feed premix designed to support the BCK vitamins requirements of poultry.

It is a water-soluble powder feed premix containing a high level of B vitamins designed to support the vitamin requirements of Vitamin Bs of poultry.

It is a water-soluble powder feed premix containing high levels of vitamins designed to support the vitamin requirements of poultry.

It is a water-soluble powder feed premix containing a balanced electrolyte formulation designed to support the electrolyte requirements of poultry.


Intestinal health is one of the most important elements in maintaining and improving the performance of poultry.

It is a broad spectrum toxin binder that contains different HSCAS sources
with high binding capacity and high glucomannan rich yeast cell and liver
protectors helping to remove the negative effects of toxins in its content.

It is a broad spectrum toxin binder that contains different HSCAS sources
with high binding capacity and high glucomannan rich yeast cell wall in
its content.

It is a toxin binder that contains different HSCAS sources with high binding capacity in its content.

It is a ready-to-use feed premix containing vitamins, minerals, toxin binders, enzymes and intestinal health regulators which are designed to be used in different periods of laying chicks.

It is a ready-to-use feed premix containing vitamins, minerals, toxin binders, enzymes and intestinal health regulators which are designed to be used in different periods of laying hens.

It is a ready-to-use feed premix containing vitamins, minerals, toxin binders, enzymes and intestinal health regulators to be used in the initial stages of broiler chickens

It is a ready-to-use feed premix containing vitamins, minerals, toxin binders, enzymes and intestinal health regulators which are designed to be used in different periods of laying hens.

It is a phytase enzyme with high activity which is designed to be used in
different periods of poultry.

It is a phytase and xylanase enzyme with high activity which is designed
to be used in different periods of poultry.

It is a phytase and xylanase enzyme with high activity which is designed
to be used in different periods of poultry

It is a feed premix containing chelated minerals and digestive regulators
designed to reinforce quality of egg shell quality of laying hens.

It is a feed premix containing a specially designed combination of organic acid to protect against salmonella infection in poultry

We produce ready-to-use feed premix feed additives for chickens, chicken feed containing vitamins, minerals, toxin binders, enzymes and toxin binders for poultry, especially chicken, and vitamin-mineral for chicken feed.